Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011


In limited, Entomology is the study of insects. However, this meaning is often extended to include the study of arthropods (animals with jointed) others, especially spiders and their relatives (or Arachnoidea arachnids), as well as luwing and relatives (Millepoda and Centipoda).
The term comes from two Latin words - meaningful entomon insect and logos meaning science.
As part of the community of earth's ecosystems, the insect has become adeterminant of the existence and development of ecosystems on earth. Interactionsbetween insects to humans have occurred since humans exist and live in the world.Insects have an important role in human life. Economic value of insect can reachbillions of dollars every year. Value of that benefit can be derived from products such as honey, royal jelly, silk, pollination services, biological agents, perombak, tourism, contributions in science, and role in the ecosystem. Millions of tons of agriculturalproducts lost due to damage caused by insects. Likewise, large losses due toanimal and human health problems caused by the disease transmitted and spread by insects. Trillions of dollars of funds used for the cost of crop pest control, post-harvest pests, pest and disease settlement on plants, animals and humans that are transmitted by insects. Humans often see insects secaraantroposentris, ie as agroup organanisme more harm than benefit to human life. But in fact the positive aspects and benefits of insects to human life far greater than those aspects thatmerugikan.Dengan learn Entomogi we can put insects proportionally in life, so do not see insects as animals are always detrimental. After studying this pig you should be able to 1) explain the limitations and scope of Entomology, 2 describes the various branches of entomology, 3) indicates the position of insects inphylumArtrophoda, 4) explain the abundance and habitats inhabited by insects 5)describes the role of insects in kehidupanmanusia.A. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS In limited entomology, Entomology is the study of insects (Insecta). However, this meaning is often extended to include science mempelajariArthropoda (animals with jointed) others, especially spiders and their relatives (or Arachnoidea arachnids), as well as luwing and relatives (Millepodadan Centipoda). Inclusion of other arthropods as bagianyang discussed in Entomology because there is an evolutionary relationship / taksomis phylogenetically in the context of a discussion with the insects. Also in the context of other fungsionalArthropoda act as predators and competitors for the insects. Through this we will be invited memgenal entomology insects further. As a discipline that has been growing rapidly entomology can now be divided into two branches of the science of Entomology Basic and Applied Entomology. Basic Entomology subdivided into sub-branch of science that is more specific, among others:
1. Insect Morphology is the study of form and structure of the insect's body, usually with more emphasis on form and structure of the outer body of the insect. 2. Insect Anatomy and Physiology is the study of form and structure of organs in insects and its function. 3. Behavior (behavior) is the study of insects apyang insects do, how and why insects do. 4. Insect Ecology is the study of insect relationship with its surroundings both biotic environment (other organisms) and abiotic environment (physical and chemical factors). 5. Insect Pathology is the study of insects sick both individual level (patobiologi) and at the population level (epizootiologi). 6. Insect Taxonomy is the study of nomenclature and classification of insects. In reviewing this taxonomy of many insect experts (Entomologyst) mengkhuskan study on just one order of even one family of insects, they gave the name of science is usually based on the scientific name of the insect groups such as: 1. Apiology (melittology), is the science devoted to learning bee. 2. Coleopterology, is the science devoted to learning beetles. 3. Dipterology, is the science devoted to learning the fly. 4.Hemipterology, is the science devoted to learning Ladybugs. 5. Lepidopterology, is the science which khususs studying butterflies and moths. 6. Myrmecology, is the science devoted to learning the ants. 7. Orthopterology, the science devoted to learning grasshoppers, jengkrik, cockroaches and the like. Applied Entomology now has sub-specialized into more specific sub-disciplines, namely: 1. Forensic Entomology study focuses on the investigation of human deaths by using insects as a guide. Type, phase of life and the succession of insects associated with corpses, for example, various types of flies such as Cochliomyia macellaria, Hydrotaea aenescens, and Sarcophaga haemorrhoidalis and carrion beetles sepertiN ICR ophor us orbicollisda n Necrophila americana can be used to predict the time and location of human mortality is concerned. 2. Medical Entomology (Medical Entomology), focus group studies on insect pests of man, either directly
(Stinging / biting prey such as wasps, bees, fleas and other venomous insects), or indirectly (disease vectors such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, fleas / ticks. 3. Entomology Husbandry (Veterinary Entomology), the study focused on insects that interfere on farms both directly such as ticks, lice are ectoparasites in farm animals and which act as vectors of disease. Animals can serve as alternate hosts for a variety of pathogens that cause disease in humans and insects often act as a vector. For example, malaria can be transmitted from monkeys to humans and vice versa, with intermediate vector is nyamukAnopheles. Disease of bird flu (avian influenza) can be transmitted from birds to humans. 4. Entomology urban (Urban Entomology) specifically examine the insects that become a problem area of ​​urban, Here is more focused on insects associated with human (human facility) who still live like cockroaches, flies, mosquitoes, and termites diperumahan, hotels, apartments, warehouses, offices, ships, aircraft. 5. Entomology Forestry (Forest Entomology) assessment here is more focused on insects that are on forest ecosystems both beneficial insects like honey bees and pollinators act as producers in forest ecosystems, and some termites (Capritermes) can act as a saprophyte insects that help describe the organic matter in the form of litter and fallen trees in forest ecosystems . Meanwhile, another group of termites (Coptotermes) serves as a destructive pest of teak forests. 6. Entomology Agriculture (Agricultural Entomology) studies focus on the insects associated with agricultural ecosystems such as horticultural crops, food crops and plantations both beneficial as insect pollinator, peredator and parasitoids and insect pests herbivor who plays that can damage all parts of the plant from the roots, stems, leaves, even to the fruits and seeds that have been stored in warehouses.
• History of Entomology
Historically, there are several applications for accounts, and experiment with, forensic entomology. The concept of forensic entomology dates back to at least the 14th century. However, only in the last 30 years of forensic entomology has systematically explored as a viable source for evidence in criminal investigations.Through their own experiments and interests in arthropods and death, Song Ci, Francesco Redi, Bergeret d'Arbois, Jean Pierre Mégnin German doctor Hermann Reinhard and has helped to lay the groundwork for today's modern forensic entomology.

 Song Ci
Further information: Song Ci

Song Ci (also known as Sung Tz'u) is a Judicial Intendant who lived in China at the end of the 13th century. In 1247 AD wrote a book Song Ci berjudulMencuci Far from Errors as a handbook for the coroner. Song Ci book describes several cases in which he took notes about how someone died and outlines the possible causes. He went into detail about how to check the corpse both before and after the burial. He also explained the process of how to determine the possible cause of death. The purpose of this book is to be used as a guide for other researchers so that they can effectively assess the crime scene. His level of detail in describing what he observed in all cases that laid the foundation for modern forensic entomologists and the first recorded account of the history of someone using forensic entomology for judicial means. The book is very popular and represents the first time the general public became aware that the insects could be used in criminal investigations.

 Francesco Redi
Further information: Francesco Redi

In 1668, Italian physician Francesco Redi deny the theory of spontaneous generation. Accepted theory of Redi day claimed that maggots developed spontaneously from rotting meat. In an experiment, he used samples of rotting flesh that were either fully exposed to the air, partially exposed to air, or not exposed to air at sekali.Redi showed that both fully and partially exposed rotting flesh fly maggot developed, while the rotten meat that is not exposed to air did not develop maggots. This discovery completely changed the way people view the decomposition of organisms and further investigations are required into the insect's life cycle and into entomology in general.

 Bergeret d'Arbois
Dr. Louis François Etienne Bergeret (1814-1893) was a French hospital doctors, and was the first to apply for the case of forensic entomology. In a case report published in 1855, he declared a general life cycle of insects and to make many assumptions about their mating habits. However, this assumption makes the first application of forensic entomology in the estimation of post-mortem interval (PMI).His report of forensic entomology is used as a tool to prove the hypothesis about how and when a person dies.

 Hermann Reinhard
The first systematic studies in forensic entomology conducted in 1881 by Hermann Reinhard, a German physician who played an important role in the history of entomology forensik.Dia many corpses were dug up and show that the development of various types of insect species could be associated with buried bodies. Reinhard conducted the first in eastern Germany, and collected a lot of flies Phorid from the initial study. He also concluded that development of only a few of the insects living with corpses of land associated with them, because there are beetles of 15 years who have little direct contact with them. Reinhard work and studies are widely used in further studies of forensic entomology.

 Jean Pierre Mégnin
Further information: Jean Pierre Mégnin
Jean Pierre Mégnin (1828-1905), a military vet, published numerous articles and books on various subjects including books Faune des Tombeaux and La Faune des Cadavres, which is considered to be one of the most important books in the history of forensic entomology. [5] In the second book he did revolutionary work on wave theory predicted, or a succession of insects to the corpse. By counting the number of live and dead mites are developed every 15 days and compare it with the initial amount in the baby, he can estimate how long the baby was dead. [4]
In this book. he asserted that exposed corpses are subject to the eight waves of succession, while the bodies were buried only subject to two gelombang.Mégnin made major discoveries that helped shed new light on many of the common characteristics of flora and fauna decompose. Mégnin work and study of larval and adult forms of the family of insects that are found in the body trigger the interest of the future and encourage further research entomologist at the link between arthropods and died, and thus help to build the scientific discipline of forensic entomology.
Forensic entomology subfields

• City of forensic entomology
Urban forensic entomology typically concerns pest infestations in buildings or gardens that may be the basis of litigation between private parties and service providers such as landlords or exterminators. Urban forensic entomology research may also indicate the suitability of certain pesticide treatments and may also be used in cases where products are stored may help to determine the chain of custody, when all points of attack that might be examined in order to determine who is at fault.
Stored-product forensic entomology
Further Information: Home stored product entomology
Stored-product forensic entomology is often used in litigation over insect infestation or contamination of food distributed commercially.

• Medico-legal forensic entomology
Medicolegal forensic entomology includes evidence gathered through the study of arthropods on the scene of murder, suicide, abuse of rape, physical and contraband trade. In a murder investigation related to insect eggs appear, their location on the body and in what order they appear. This can assist in determining the post mortem interval (PMI) and the location of a death is concerned. Since many insects show the level of endemism (occurring only in certain places), or have a well defined phenology (active only in certain seasons, or time), their presence in association with other evidence may indicate the potential for time and location where the link-incident Other events may have occurred). Other areas covered by the medicolegal forensic entomology is a relatively new field entomotoxicology. This particular branch involves the utilization of entomological specimens found at the scene in order to test different drugs that may possibly play a role in the death of the victim.

Parasitology - Entomology
Entomology is the study of insects, is devoted to the insects that are vectors of certain diseases.

1. Insect species studied, namely:
A. mosquito
- Anopheles sp.
- Aedes sp
- Culex sp
- mansoni

B. Ladybug (bugs)

C. Fleas (flea)

2. Insects Stadium
Developmental stages of insects studied to distinguish each species of insect.Stadium is observed Egg, Larva, Pupa and Adult.

3. body Segment
Insects are arthropods are animals whose bodies are divided into sections. Parts ofthe insect body is divided into 3 parts ie head or the head, thorax and abdomen or chest or abdomen.

4. Body Part Mosquitoes

A. Head
Parts of the mosquito's head consists of a compound eye / compound eyes,antenna, palpus and
proboscis. Proboscis is the mouth of a mosquito that has a function to pierce andsuck human blood. Labella of proboscis furnished with a kind of stone knife to stab.Antenna and palpus in mosquitoes can be used for sex.

B. thorax
Parts of the thorax is divided into 3 parts namely prothorax (front part attached to thehead), mesothorax (the central part of the thorax) and metathorax (rear thoraxattached to the abdomen).
Each part of the thorax each have one pair of legs.
A pair of wings located on the mesothorax.
In the thorax there are spiracles that serves as a respirator.
Halter on metathorax serves as a balancing tool.

C. abdomen
Mosquito abdomen is divided into 7 sections.
In which there is a place to store bags of blood. Female mosquitoes havespermateka is a place to store sperm sac.
• Identeifikasi insects
The insects most easily recognizable to order such as Coleoptera Hymenoptera (bees, wasps, and ants) or (beetles). However, insects other than Lepidoptera (butterflies danngengat) usually genus or species identified only through the use of identification keys and Monographs. Because the class Insecta contains a very large number of species (more than 330,000 species of beetles alone) and the characteristics separating them are unfamiliar, and often subtle (or invisible without a microscope), it is often very difficult even for specialists.

 Flies
Flies (order Diptera) are often first on the scene. They prefer wet bodies for their offspring (grubs) to eat. The most significant types of flying include:
Blow flies - Family Calliphoridae - Flies in this family are often metallic in appearance and between ten to 12 mm. In addition to flying blow-names, some members of this family are known as blue bottle flies, cluster flies, greenbottles, or black flies. Characteristics of blow-flies are his 3-segmented antennae. Hatching from the egg to the larval stage the first time from eight hours to one day. Larvae have three stages of development (called instars); each stage separated by molting events. Worldwide, there are 1100 species of flies, with 228 species in the Neotropics, and a large number of species in Africa and Southern Europe. The most common area to find Calliphoridae species are in the countries of India, Japan, Central America, and in the southern United States. Typical habitat for blow-flies are temperate to tropical areas that provide a layer of loose, wet soil and litter in which the developing larvae and pupae as possible. Flies of forensic importance of this is that it is the first insects to come in contact with the carcasses as they have the ability to smell the death of up to ten miles (16 km) away.
 Meat flies - Family Sarcophagidae - flesh flies breed in most carrion, dung, or decaying material, but some species lay eggs in open wounds of mammals; hence the name with them. Characteristics of flesh flies is his 3-segmented antennae. They are medium-flies with longitudinal stripes of black and gray on the chest and checkering on the abdomen. Flesh-flies, are viviparous, frequently give birth to live young in the human body and other animals, at each stage of decomposition, from the newly dead to bloated or decaying (though the latter is more common).
 The house fly - Family Muscidae - is the most common of all flies found in homes, and indeed one of the most widely distributed insects, often considered a pest that can carry serious diseases. The adults are 6-9 mm.Mereka chest gray, with four dark longitudinal lines on the back. The underside of their abdomen is yellow, and the rest of their bodies covered with hair. Each female fly can save up to 500 eggs in several batches of about 75-150telur. Genus specific forensic Hydrotaea very important.
 Cheese fly - Family Piophilidae - Most of the scavengers in animal products and fungi. The most famous member of the family Piophila casei. This is a small fly, about four mm (1 / 6 inch) long, found throughout the world. The larvae of this fly infests cured meats, smoked fish, cheese, and decaying animal and is sometimes called the captain of cheese for his ability to jump. Forensic entomology uses the presence Piophila casei larvae to help estimate the date of death for human remains. They do not take up residence in the bodies of three to six months after death. Body of adult flies are black, blue-black, or bronze, with some yellow on the head, antennae, and legs. Wings faintly colored flies and lay flat on the abdomen at rest. At four mm (1 / 6 inch) long, flying is one-third to half as long as the common fly.

 Coffin flies - Phoridae
 Lesser dead flies - Sphaeroceridae
 Lesser house fly - Fanniidae
 Black scavenger flies - Sepsidae
 Sun flies - Heleomyzidae
 Army black flies - Stratiomyidae - has the potential to be used in forensic entomology. Larvae are common scavengers in compost piles, which are found in association with carrion, can pests that damage the honey bee hive, and is used in fertilizer management (for both home fly control and manure volume reduction).Larvae range in size from 1 / 8 to 3 / 4 of a (3 to 19 millimeters) inches. Adult flies are imitating, very close in size, color, and appearance to the organ pipe mud dauber wasps and relatives.
 Phoridae - humpbacked flies
• Larvae eat decaying body • Some species can burrow to a depth of 50cm for 4 days • Important in the body buried
Beetles (Order Coleoptera) are generally found on the corpse when it is more rot. In dry conditions, the beetles can be replaced by moth flies (Psychodidae).
 Beetles - Family Staphylinidae - are elongate beetles with small elytra (wing covers) and a large jaw. Like other beetles inhabiting carrion, they have fast larval development with only three larval stages. Creophilus common predatory species of carrion, and because they are large, highly visible component of the fauna of corpses. Some adult Staphylinidae early visitors to the corpse, eat the larvae of all species of flies, including the later predatory fly larvae. They lay eggs on the corpse, and the larvae are also predators appear. Some species have a long development times in eggs, and the public only during the later stages of decomposition.Staphylinids also can tear open the pupal cases of flies, to defend themselves on the corpse for a long time.
 Hister beetles - Family Histeridae. Histerids adult beetles are usually shiny (metallic black or green) which has the head of an introvert. The carrion-eating species only become active at night when they entered the section filled with maggots from the corpse to catch their prey and eat the maggots. During the daytime they hide under dead bodies unless sufficiently decayed to allow them to hide in it. They have fast larval development with only two larval stages. Among the beetles first arrived in the bodies of Histeridae of the genus Saprinus. Saprinus adults feed on both larvae and pupae of flies, although some have a preference for fresh cocoons. The adults lay eggs on the corpse, which inhabit in the later stages of decay.
 carrion beetles - Family Silphidae - Adult Silphidae have an average size of about 12 mm. They are also referred to as burying beetles because they dig and bury small carcass underground. [11] Both parents tend to their children and show breeding communial. Men's work carrion beetles in treatment is to provide protection for breeding and carcass from competitors.
 Ham beetle - Family Cleridae
 Carcass beetles - Family Trogidae
 Skin / hide beetle - Family Dermestidae. Hide beetles important in the final stages of carcass decomposition. The adults and larvae feed on dry skin, tendons and bones left by the larvae of flies. Hide beetle beetle is only by an enzyme necessary for breaking down keratin, a protein component of hair.
 Scarab beetle - Family Scarabaeidae - Scarab beetle may be one of about 30,000 species of beetles in the world of compact, heavy-bodied and oval. Flat plate, the ends of each antenna, mounted together to form a club. The outer edge of the front legs may also be toothed or toothless. Scarab beetles ranged from 0.2 to 4.8 in (5.1 to 120 mm) long. This species is known as one of the heaviest insect species.
 Sap beetle - Family Nitidulidae

 Mite
Many mites (Acari Class) Macrocheles mites eat the corpse with the public in the early stages of decomposition, while Tyroglyphidae and Oribatidae Rostrozetes feed on mites like dry skin in the later stages of decomposition.
Nicrophorus beetles often carry on their bodies Poecilochirus mites that eat fly eggs. If they arrive at the corpse before the eggs hatch into maggots of flies, the first egg eaten by maggots and delayed development. This can lead to incorrect estimates of PMI. Nicrophorus beetles find the ammonia excretion of toxic maggot flies, and mites Poecilochirus, by keeping the maggot population low, allow Nicrophorus to occupy the bodies.
 Moth
Moths (Order Lepidoptera) special clothes-moths - Family Tineidae - closely related to butterflies. Most species of moths that night, but there are a dull and diurnalspesies. Moths feed on the hair of mammals during the larval stages and may forage on any hair that remains on the body. They are amongst the final animals contributing to the decomposition of corpses.
 Wasps, ants and bees
Wasps, ants, and bees (Order Hymenoptera) is not necessarily necrophagous.While some feed on the body, some are also predators, eating insects and feed on the body. Bees and wasps have been seen feeding on the body during the early stages. This can cause problems for homicides in which the larvae of flies used for estimating post mortem interval since eggs and larvae on the body may have been consumed prior to arrival at the scene investigators.
 Hornet - (especially the family Vespidae). Wasps showed a variety of social difficulties, from personal living to eusocial colonies. Non-breeding creature cares for the young or defend and supply for the group. Wasps commentable to study the evolutionary origin and maintenance of social behavior in animals.
 Ants - Family Formicidae. Among the most widespread and destructive introduced species are ants. Many ants share some characteristics that facilitate their opening, institutions, and further expansion of coverage. One of their important features is the ability to build large numerically, ecologically dominant colonies.
 Bees - Apoidea superfamily.
Forensic entomologists have used bees in some cases where parents are using bees to sting their children as a form of discipline. Also, entomologists have been called upon to determine whether or not bees or wasps have been the cause of accidents. Either through their presence or by stinging it must be speculated that this insect has become the cause of many car accidents.

• Factor
 Moisture levels
Rain and humidity levels in areas where the body was found to affect the time for insect development. In most species, large amounts of rain will indirectly lead to slower development due to a decrease in temperature. Light rain or very humid environment, by acting as an insulator, will allow a greater mass of maggots in the core temperature, resulting in faster development.
 Water Agency
M. Lee Goff, a noted and respected forensic entomology, assigned to the case involving the discovery of decomposed body was found in a boat half a mile from the beach. After collecting a mass of maggots, only one insect, Chrysomya megacephala, was found. He concluded that the barrier of water accounts for the scarcity of other flies. He also noted that the flies will not attempt to travel across large bodies of water unless there is a substantial attractant effect.
In addition, the number of times the mass of maggots have been exposed to salt water may affect its development. From Goff observed cases he found that if worn for more than 30 minutes, there are developmental delays 24 hours. Unfortunately, not much research has been done and thus a certain amount of delay time is difficult to estimate.
 Exposure to sunlight
"Because insects are cold-blooded animals, the level of their development more or less depending on the ambient temperature." [17] The Board is exposed to sunlight will heat up in large numbers, giving the insect a warm area to develop, reduce their development time. An experiment conducted by Bernard Greenberg and John Charles Kunich using rabbit carcasses to study the level of accumulation today found that with temperatures ranging from the 70's mid-80s to the high amount of time deveopmental maggots are significantly reduced.
Conversely, the body found in shaded areas will be cooler, and insects will require a longer growth period. In addition, if the temperature reaches the level of extreme cold, insects instinctively know to prolong their development time in order to hatch into a more accepting climate and feasible in order to increase chances for survival and reproduction.
 exposure to air
Bodies can be expected to hang their own showing the quantity and variety of flies.Also, the amount of time the flies will remain in the body hanging will vary compared to those found in the soil. The body was hanged more exposed to air and thus will dry more quickly leaving less food for maggots.
As the body begins to decompose, a compilation of the fluid will leak into the ground. In this area most of the fauna are expected to be found. Also, it is more likely that rove beetles and non-flying insects will be found here rather than directly on the body. Fly maggots, initially deposited on the body, also can be found below.
 Geography
According to Jean Pierre Mégnin book 's La Faune des Cadavres there are eight different faunal succession attracted to corpses. While most of the beetles and flies of forensic importance can be found all over the world, most of them confined to a specific range of habitats. It is important to know the forensic geographical distribution of these insects is to determine information such as post-mortem interval or whether the body was moved from its original place of death.
Calliphoridae family is arguably the most important thing about forensic entomology given that they are the first to arrive at the corpse. Habitat families ranges into the southern United States. However, while Chrysomya rufifaces, the hairy maggot blow fly, is part of the family Calliphoridae and broad, not uncommon in Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Louisiana, Florida, or Illinois area.
Flesh flies fall under Sacrophagidae family and generally come to the following bodies Calliphoridae. However, as mentioned earlier they are able to fly in the rain.The main advantage of this allows them to occasionally reach the whole body before Calliphoridae maggots that will affect the mass of meat ditemukan.Lalat globally distributed, including habitat in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Middle East.
Beetles represent the order Coleoptera which accounts for the largest of the insect orders. Beetles are very adaptive and can be found in almost all environments except Antartikadan high mountain areas. The most diverse beetle fauna can be found in the tropics. In addition, the beetles are less adherent to the temperature.So, if the carcass has been found in cold temperatures, the beetles will prevalent during the Calliphoridae.
 Weather
A variety of weather conditions within a certain amount of time causes certain pests to invade the human household. This is because the insects to find food, water, and shelter. Humid weather causing an increase in reproduction and growth in many types of insects, especially when coupled with warm temperatures. Pests are most interested in today is ants, spiders, crickets, cockroaches, assassin bugs, Yellowjackets, Hornets, rats, and mice. When conditions are dry, moisture deprivation drives many pests out in search of water. While the rainy weather increases the number of insects, dry weather is causing increased pest invasion.The most common pest is known for dry conditions scorpions, ants, pillbugs, millipedes, crickets, and spiders. Extreme drought did not kill many insect populations, but also drive the surviving insects to attack more often. Cold temperature outside will lead to the invasion began in the months of late summer and early autumn. Box old bugs, cluster flies, beetles, and silverfish are seeing some of the most common insects to look for a warm room. [21]
• Modern techniques
Many new techniques have been developed and used in order to more accurately gather evidence, or reevaluate the old information. The use of new techniques developed and evaluation have become relevant in litigation and appeals. Forensic entomology not only uses arthropod biology, but the pull of the other sciences, introduces the fields such as chemistry and genetics, taking advantage of their inherent synergies through the use of DNA in forensic entomology.
 Scanning electron microscopy
Flies and fly larvae egss used to assist in the determination of a PMI. In order for data to be useful larvae and eggs must be identified down to species level to obtain an accurate estimate for PMI. There are many techniques currently being developed to distinguish between different species of insects of forensic importance. A 2007 study demonstrated a technique that can use the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to identify key morphological traits of the eggs and maggots. Some differences in morphology that can help identify different species is the presence / absence of anastomosis, the presence / absence of holes, and the shape and length fields median.Metode SEM provides a variety of morphological features for use in identifying fly eggs, but this method does have some drawbacks . The main disadvantage is that it requires expensive equipment and can take time to identify the species from which the eggs came from, so it may be useful in field studies or to quickly identify a particular egg. SEM methods are effective provided sufficient time and the right equipment and the eggs of certain flies that berlimpah.Kemampuan to use morphological differences gives forensic entomologists a powerful tool that can help with estimating post mortem interval, along with other relevant information, such as whether the body has been disrupted post-mortem.
 potassium permanganate staining
When the scanning electron microscope is not available, the cost of engineering a faster, lower potassium permanganate staining. The eggs were collected and rinsed with normal salinesolusi placed in a glass petri dish. Eggs soaked in 1% potassium permanganate solution for one minute and then dehydrated and mounted on slides for observation. This slide can be used with a light microscope with a calibrated lens to compare different morphological features. The most important feature and is useful for identifying egg size, length, and width Plastron, as well as morphology Plastron in the area around the micropyle. The various measurements and observations when compared with the standards for forensic important species that are used to determine the types of eggs.
 mitochondrial DNA
In 2001, the method designed by Jeffrey Wells and Felix Sperling to use mitochondrial DNA to differentiate between different species of the subfamily Chrysomyinae. This is very useful when working to determine the identity of specimens that do not have the morphological characteristics typical of a particular life stage.

 Mock crime scene
A valuable tool that is becoming very common in the training of forensic entomologists is the use of pretend crime scene using a pig carcass. Pig carcasses is the human body and can be used to describe a variety of environmental effects on both arthropod succession and post mortem interval estimation.
 Studies of gene expression
Although the physical characteristics and size of the various instars have been used to estimate the age of flying, a more recent study was conducted to determine the age of the eggs is based on the expression of specific genes. This is very useful in determining the stage of development that are not evidenced by changes in size, such as eggs or pupae, and where only a general time interval can be estimated based on the duration of a particular developmental stage. This is done by breaking the stage into smaller units separated by predictable changes in gene expression.Three genes were measured in experiments with Drosophila melanogaster: bicoid (bcd), slalom (SLL), and chitin synthase (cs). These three genes are used because they may be at varying levels during different times of the process of egg development. These genes all share a linear relationship in terms of age of the egg, the egg the older it is more of a particular gene is expressed. However, all the genes that are expressed in varying amounts. Different genes at different loci will need to be selected for other species of fly. Mapped gene expression in control samples to formulate charts the development of gene expression at specific time intervals. This graph can then be compared with the measured value of the expression of genes to accurately predict the age of the egg into two hours with a high level of confidence. Although this technique can be used to estimate the age of the egg, the feasibility and acceptance of this law should be considered for it to be widely used forensic techniques. One benefit of this is that it's like any other DNA-based technique that most labs will be equipped to perform similar experiments without the need for new capital investment. Style in the age determination process used to more accurately find the age of instars and pupae. However, far more complicated, because there are more genes that are expressed during this stage hope is that with this and other similar techniques with a more accurate PMI can be obtained.

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